Basic data grid questions

I have a very basic question, how can I change the font, specially the font size, on a data grid? is this located in the Green.css file I am using?
Also, I have managed to use checkboxes and number widgets on a data grid, is it also possible to use a dropdown to display and manipulate items on a data grid? I have tried defined the value and data fields but they showed nothing

Hi @luissisamon,

The easiest way will be to add some rules to client/src/styles.css:

/* DataGrid column titles */
span.ui-column-title {
  font: italic bold 12px/30px Georgia, serif !important;

/* DataGrid cell data */
span.ui-cell-data {
  font: italic bold 12px/30px Georgia, serif !important;

You can define anything in the grid column template - for example DropDown:

Best Regards,

Hi Vladimir, thanks a lot!
I am starting to look into the CSS stuff, never involved with that. But I am happy to say that I have been able to build a front end for our optimisation tool. Of all the tools I tried for this RADZEN is the one I like better. Still missing the ability to transpose but I think I can manage that next week.
Your support has been great too.

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