Azure AD Callback Path

Hi all,

I'm using Blazor server-side with .Net 5.

I configured the AzureAD security provider in the Radzen GUI, leaving the CallbackPath property as the default (/signin-oidc).

Everything is working locally, however I can't seem to get it to work in production.

I have registered a Redirect URI with my app in Azure, but after signing in, I'm returned to https://(myapp) and get a 403.

Is this supposed to work with the default CallbackPath, if not, any guidance on what it should be?

Thanks for your help!

Hi @nezdar,

Adding the Redirect URI to your application is the only thing required as far as we know. Not sure what could cause this 403 error.

Thanks @korchev. I think we've got this sorted out now. We had to disable 'EasyAuth' which was enabled by default in our App Service.

ref: Authentication and authorization - Azure App Service | Microsoft Docs

Hi @nezdar, Can you please help us
I got same issue like 403 Forbidden on file upload but I don't know how to disable the EasyAuth in App Service. Please let me know if you can help

I'm now at here

Hi Swati,

I apologize that I don't have a full solution - it seems some of the Azure portal screens may have changed since I last looked at this. If it is appropriate for your application you may try changing "Restrict access" to "Allow unauthenticated access".

According to the docs for "Allow unauthenticated requests" this defers authorization to the application code:
Authentication and authorization - Azure App Service | Microsoft Docs.

Hope that helps.