Autocomplete onblur Event not firing

Hello Radzen Team,
i have an autocomplete control with onblur event:

        <RadzenAutoComplete Data="@StringLists" FilterCaseSensitivity="FilterCaseSensitivity.CaseInsensitive" MinLength="1" style="width: 100%" TextProperty="Text" Name="Autocomplete0" @oninput="@(args => OnInput(args.Value.ToString()))" @onblur="@(SetzeLeistungsadresse)">
    protected async Task SetzeLeistungsadresse()
        NotificationService.Notify(NotificationSeverity.Success,"", "Passt!");

but the SetzeLeistungsadresse method is never called. I must run some code when the user leaves the autocomplete control. the onchange event is not right because its firing before the item from the autocomplete control is set into the autocomplete textbox.

Have i done something wrong? Whta can i do?

Kind Regards

The onblur event is attached on the outer div and will never fire. Try a different event such as onfocusout (which bubbles as opposed to blur).

onfocusout worked. Thanks for fast reply!
