AutoComplete for TextBox & Numeric

I'm working on an App where business transactions are entered. For Textbox & Numeric I'm having to go through all the screens and making Autocomplete = false as the the autocomplete popup is of no value to the users as the information entered is different for each transaction.

Is there some way of making Autocomplete false by default or making it the default for Textbox & Numeric and then if needed making it true.

Hi @kirank,

There isn't a way to set a property for all components of certain type. Changing the default value of the AutoComplete property would be a breaking change. Maybe we can do it for the Numeric.

I feel like it's better have Autocomplete as false as the default and then turn it on if needed as client is saying the screen feels cluttered with "dropdowns" on each textbox and I can sympathize with that. Maybe other developers are also having to turn off the autocomplete.

Maybe thanks for your consideration

The autocomplete attribute is on by default in the built-in <input> and <textarea> html elements (which are the only way to accept text input from the user). This is why we prefer to keep the default setting. We set the Autocomplete property of the RadzenNumeric to be false by default though.

Can you do a find and replace in the meta directory of all the json files. I’ve done this in the past for form filters and changing from grids to data grids.