Attachments In SQL Server

I have a table with a field named Attachment which is a varbinary(max) type field which stores an attachment such as a PDF
When I attach field in a form the existing attachment does not appear.

I can only store new attachments in field.

How do I get the existing attachments to appear in Angular app?

You want to preview the PDF content? Check this:

You can wrap everything in a custom component for example:


In the screenshot attached I expected that there would be a preview object that I can click to open the 20190107_140119.jpg file that is stored in SQL Server database in another window.

I need to be able to do this so that application is backward compatible with PDFs, JPEGs that have been stored previously in database.


This is not possible with FileInput component used by the Form. The component can work with base64 encoded strings only.

HI ,
I have a base64 encoded pdf , will this work with this component ?
Any plans on including a component for base64 stored files ( all kind of file types not only images).

FileInput component can work with any base64 encoded string file content including pdf.

Uploading pdf seems not to work?

Iā€™m using angular , any difference?

Ah, sorry! Here is the Angular version:

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