Assign environment variable to ApiKey GoogleMap

Hi everyone, I need help please. I'm using a RadzenGoogleMap component and works fine when indicate
but I don't want to expose the apiKey value, that's why I have assigned de Api value to an environment variable, by example ApiKeyValue="avaxxxxxxxyyyyyycccc" and that variable assign in RadzenGoogleMap component:
<RadzenGoogleMap ApiKey="@ApiKeyValue" ................/>
But it doesn't work... I tried
<RadzenGoogleMap ApiKey=@ApiKeyValue ................/>
it doesn't work either, it doesn't recognize the ApiKeyValue value.
I'm sure ApiKeyValue value is correct and the ApiKey google also is correct
What I'm doing wrong?
I appreciate your help...

What kind of Blazor you are running? If it’s server then this setting is already applied on the server - not rendered in the HTML or something like that. Keep in mind also that using the browser console network tab everyone can see the API key from the requests - the best way to protect your key is to limit it to your domain as we did with the key used in our demos.

I'm using blazor web assembly. Ok, I understand, I'll follow your recomendation, thank you.