Application Crash in Azure Webapp on new release v2.70.2

Please help. I encounter application issue when deploy to Azure Webapp Services.

Below is the error message:
2022-08-16T07:21:04.490798167Z Running the command: dotnet "BcLtApp.dll"2022-08-16T07:21:06.170028907Z Unhandled exception. System.IO.FileLoadException: Could not load file or assembly 'Radzen.Blazor, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'. The located assembly's manifest definition does not match the assembly reference. (0x80131040)2022-08-16T07:21:06.170078108Z File name: 'Radzen.Blazor, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'

This happen when I update Radzen Studio to version 2.70.2
It work on my local environment but error on Azure Webapp.

We are not sure what can cause this, for sure this version is available:

Update. So I did some test. Since I cannot change the Radzen.Blazor dll version in Radzen Studio and Radzen Studio will override it anyway. I did a manually version change in my Visual Studio to older version 3.20.1 and do a manual publish in Visual Studio, it work!

This is definitely not true, Radzen will keep the updates in your csproj on subsequent runs.

Good news. I see you have an update version 2.70.3 of Radzen Studio and update it; then try my application publish to Azure App Service and everything is working again. THANKS!!