AllowFloatingLabel behaviour inconsistent with RadzenDropdown


I have a RadzenFormField which contains a dropdown. I have the AllowFloatingLabel set to "false" but the label doesn't actually float if the selected item is empty and it is show inside the dropdown instead (see "Status" field in screen shot)

The label does float when an item is selected however.

I expect the same behaviour/style as the other fields which also have the AllowFloatingLabel option set false

This is the markup for the field:

<RadzenFormField AllowFloatingLabel="false" Text="Status" Variant="Variant.Outlined">
    <RadzenDropDown Data="@filterStatuses" Multiple="false"
                    @bind-Value="@(dropdownStatus)" Name="FilterStatus" TextProperty="Text"></RadzenDropDown>

Hi @Dave_F,

Can you reproduce this problem here? It seems to work fine. Could you be using an older version of the Radzen.Blazor library that still doesn't have AllowFloatingLabel implemented?

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I was using 4.29.6, updated to 4.29.7 and it's resolved the issue

However, I believe the AllowFloatingLabel option was also available in 4.29.6 ??

I think this may have been a cached theme css version issue