Adding/Removing RadzenLineSeries to RadzenChart from code-behind?

Are there any examples of adding and removing new RadzenLineSeries to an existing RadzenChart?

The number of series and dataset contents would be interactively selected/defined by the user.

Hi @jcliff29,

Blazor is a declarative framework and the Radzen Chart follows this paradigm. You can add series by declaring them in the markup e.g. via @foreach

    @foreach(var myDataItem in myData)
         <RadzenLineSeries Data=@myDataItem.Data 
           ValueProperty=@myDataItem.Value />

Thanks for your quick reply

I have problem with the Title radzen chart lineseries when i add linseries dynamically

@foreach(var myDataItem in myData)
<RadzenLineSeries Data=@myDataItem.Data
Title= ????/> <= How do i solve this

Thanks in advance