Add/Edit Page With 2 different tables


I have a form (add/modify) which contains data from two sql tables (@inventory and @inventoryUnit) . I use the "inventoryUnit" table only for my RadzenDropDown:

<RadzenDropDown TValue="string" Style="width: 100%" ValueProperty="Unite" Diabled="false" Data="@inventoryUnites" Multiple="false" TextProperty="Unite" Name="Unite" Change="@ DropDownChanged"> </RadzenDropDown>

@coded {
     public void DropDownChanged(object value)
         ChosenUnit.ChosenUnit = value.ToString();

Of course when I press "Add" the value of my DropDown is not added to my "inventory" table.

[Table("Inventory", Schema = "dbo")]
     public partial class Inventory
         public int ItemId { get; set; }

         public string ItemsName { get; set; }

         public decimal? Quantity { get; set; }

         public decimal? Price { get; set; }
         public decimal AlertQuantity { get; set; }

         **public string Unite { get; set; } = value of my dropdown ???**.

Anyone have a possible solution?
