Add\Edit in same screen

I am using the free community edition but I thought this question might be useful for the general Radzen community.
Radzen generates two screens for a functionality, one for add and one for edit. Is there a way to specify to use the same screen for both add and edit? Would you have an code example on how I can accomplish this?

Check the other templates - the DataGrid with Form is what you are looking for.

Hello @enchev, I am assuming that you mean the "Data bound TemplateForm"?

For sample code, I checked the demos in but I could not find any demos, which added/edited a record in the same screen.

In the application that I am writing, in the application load, I set the property to the result of the "data invoke method". Can I create a new instance of the "data invoke method"'s return type and set it to the property, if the return is a null? Currently, the odata endpoint returns a 404 error, if the record does not exist.
Similarly, when I am submitting the form, can I conditionally call the save or the create "data invoke method", based on the above property existing or not?

Can you please provide some guidance. Hopefully this is a newbie question.

I'm referring to this:

Thank you @enchev, I was able to add\edit in the same screen based on the code in the Datagrid with form.