Active Directory Login error

Hello there !
When I attempt to log in with my AD users, I got this error. Is there please a way to solve?

An unhandled exception occurred while processing the request.

KeyNotFoundException: The given key 'memberOf' was not present in the dictionary.

System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<TKey, TValue>.get_Item(TKey key)

Will you post the full stack trace?

Please find attached

For some reason your active directory server didn't return the expected result to the query which resolves the user roles. We haven't seen this error before and don't know what is causing it.

Looks like you're trying to authenticate against Novell's LDAP and not Microsoft Server Active Directory?

@SloSuenos Radzen uses the Novell API for Active Directory access which works as expected with Microsoft Active Directory.

Ha, and I used to be a Novell Network Engineer. Not surprised the answer couldn't be that simple.

Well, temporarily setting the Domain Controller's Event Security log to log everything to see what it says after an attempted logon is perhaps a good place to start... Stuff like this is often caused by DNS & SSL issues.

I remember one case this query could fail - if the domain user doesn't belong to any group or role. @Rija you can test with a different user if the one you try does not belong to any group.


The error is gone when I added the user to a newly created group. So it didn't work when the user was just member of Domain Users.

Thank you