Accordion view

I am using your Blazor accordion.
Your sample page shows a nice box with expanders on the right.

Using the same code I get a much different view with no box and small expanders on the left.

Is it possible to style like your example of is that just old code that has been replaced?

You’ve missed to include desired theme CSS file. Check the Getting started for reference:

You could also be using an older version (prior 4.0.0) or a different theme (our online demos use the Material theme at the moment). Make sure your Radzen.Blazor installation is up-to-date.

That does add the white effect but by greying the rest of the page.
Still does not show the boxes around individual items and does not change the expanders which is really what I was after.

That's fine. I will live with it. Not going to re-style the entire site for a couple down chevrons.

Oh, and yes, it is 4.0.0
Just FYI

You need to use the Material theme by including the material.css file (or material-base.css) in your application.

Hi @korchev Is it possible to achieve the Material theme Accordion style with Fluent and Fluent dark theme. ?

Hi @Yogi,

No, this isn't possible. You can only use a single theme.

Hi @Yogi,

Moving the expand/collapse arrow to the right is possible by setting --rz-accordion-toggle-icon-order: 1;.

You will need additional CSS to change the arrows and add borders:

<RadzenAccordion Class="material-accordion">
        <RadzenAccordionItem Text="Orders" Icon="account_balance_wallet" CollapseTitle="Collapse orders."
                             ExpandTitle="Expand orders." CollapseAriaLabel="Collapse the order details."
                             ExpandAriaLabel="Expand the order details.">
            Details for Orders
        <RadzenAccordionItem Text="Employees" Icon="account_box" CollapseTitle="Collapse employees."
                             ExpandTitle="Expand employees." CollapseAriaLabel="Collapse the employee details."
                             ExpandAriaLabel="Expand the employee details.">
            Details for Employees
        <RadzenAccordionItem Text="Customers" Icon="accessibility" CollapseTitle="Collapse customers."
                             ExpandTitle="Expand customers." CollapseAriaLabel="Collapse the customer details."
                             ExpandAriaLabel="Expand the customer details.">
            Details for Customers

    .material-accordion {
        --rz-accordion-toggle-icon-order: 1;
        --rz-accordion-item-border: var(--rz-border-base-200);
        .rz-accordion-toggle-icon.rzi-chevron-right:before {
            content: "keyboard_arrow_down";

        .rz-accordion-toggle-icon.rzi-chevron-down:before {
            content: "keyboard_arrow_up";