AccessDenied when saving

When my application is running, and I update a component and save the application in the browser redirects to:


I also get this when I use the upload component, and the upload is completed.

Browser shows:

Any idea as to why this is happing and where to look?

Hi @ken.stoner,

Unfortunately this is the first time we see this error. We have seen errors happening after upload because dotnet watch restarts the app if a new file is created within its folder structure but nothing related to access denies redirects. This is probably some custom code in your app doing it as I couldn't reproduce such problems with a new Radzen Blazor Studio app.

It has something to do with the Roles I have implemented.

The odd thing is that it works when the pages loads however if you refresh the page it throws the access denied. I have this working in a couple other applications so I'm not sure where/why it's broken.

If I remove the @attribute [Authorize(Roles = "User")] everything works as it should.

Can you reproduce that problem in a new application that has just security enabled? If yes please send it to and we will investigate further.

I submitted a small project (newly created) that has the same issue.