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When I try to update. Help ?

Also this error when loading current version.

Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open ‘C:\Users\maherb\Downloads\CreateDataItems\meta\app.json’

ok… So I found the 1.9.0 update file manually from the log files… The other problem seems to be because I deleted the files without first deleting them first from the app (pressing the trashcan icon)

Did the autoupdate functionality work for you? What does the error log say?

Yes, if you delete the application outside of Radzen you may end up with this error. We will take care of it.

No… But I found the new exe file from reading the logs…

Now I tried to create a page… rename it. and delete it and get

Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, unlink ‘C:\Users\maherb\Downloads\Northwind\meta\pages\addresses.json’

rror: ENOENT: no such file or directory, mkdir ‘C:\Users\maherb\Downloads\NorthwindSql\server\Models\,1433’

Ive had so many various errors trying to connect to the a Azure SQL adventure works. I wish it worked as easy as your odata sample.

Those errors are indeed unexpected. Could you provide more details about what you tried?


Sounds as if this has been entered as a datasource name instead of server name. We would love to fix those issues.

The autoupdate shouldn’t have failed. Could you paste here the contents of the log? It would help us find the cause of that problem

Ill create a video later with my simple attempts to get the PRODUCTS table from the Adventureworks DB that I put in Azure into a grid.

A lot of little things and big things go wrong when I try to do it

Ok. Here is another one… Trying to deploy to Azure… Here is the error and connection parameters. See anything wrong ?

radzen: Angular application production build done in 84602ms.
radzen: Deploying…
radzen: Reading connection strings
radzen: Saving connection strings in appsettings.json
radzen: Creating temporary deploy folder
radzen: Copying client app to deploy folder
radzen: Copying server app to deploy folder
radzen: Error: getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND 443 443:21


I think the Server should not have a port - this for some reason is confusing the FTP upload code. Here is what we are using in the documentation:

That URL can be obtained from the Get publish profile page in Azure.

Ok that works. My next test is try it with our real data. It is in MySQL and there are no foreign keys. What is the best way to go ?

  1. Connect directly to MySQL? What is the backend in this case?
  2. Create WebAPI and create scaffolding with entity framework from the db. Use REST?
  3. Create WebAPI and create Odata sources for the data. Use ODATA.? (like this

Probably all three options could work.

Connect directly to MySQL? What is the backend in this case?

Radzen can connect to MySQL out of the box. It will create an ASP.NET Core application which exposes the data as OData service.

Create WebAPI and create scaffolding with entity framework from the db. Use REST?

You can do that but would have to manually describe the REST service - endpoints, schemas, operations etc. Here is some documentation.

Create WebAPI and create Odata sources for the data. Use ODATA.?

Radzen supports OData too. Also a viable option if you prefer to create and maintain the OData service yourself.

got it.

I think the product is really a good idea. I told the people at my work about it. There is one person struggling to do things manually so maybe they will want to buy it. Not my call though.