TextProperty on DropDown doesn't work when loading data inside a dropdown component

When I have a component that inherits RadzenDropDown and sets LoadData inside that component for some reason TextProperty doesn't work.

Minimal example:

<TestDropDown TValue="Guid" TextProperty="Name" ValueProperty="Id" LoadDataHandler="Test" />

@code {
    record Employee(Guid Id, string Name);

    private async Task<IEnumerable> Test()
        IEnumerable<Employee> emps = [new(Guid.NewGuid(), "123"), new(Guid.NewGuid(), "321")];

        return emps;


public class TestDropDown<TValue> : RadzenDropDown<TValue>
    [Parameter] public Func<Task<IEnumerable>> LoadDataHandler { get; set; } = default!;

    protected override void OnParametersSet()
        LoadData = new(this, async () => Data = await LoadDataHandler());


When I do the same (Data = ...) but outside of TestDropDown everything works fine.

You can easily debug the component since the entire source code is available for free.

I added an issue TextProperty on DropDown doesn’t work when loading data inside a dropdown component · Issue #1448 · radzenhq/radzen-blazor · GitHub