Radzen November, 2017 Updates - Angular Internationalization (i18n), 14 new components, Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services support and more!

Dear Reader,

Welcome to the November, 2017 issue of the Radzen monthly newsletter!

The major new additions that shipped this month are:

The new features in development are:
  • Security improvements (change password, multiple roles per user, etc.)
  • DataGrid component row details.
  • Template designer for DataGrid column and row details, DataList row and Tree level.
  • Page layouts - design the application common features (menu, header, footer). Support for different page layouts.
  • Roadmap.
New documentation articles: New blog posts: Get the latest bits for Windows, macOS or Linux (32bit and 64bit).

If you have questions, need help or want to share your feedback with us you can post on our forum or shoot an email at info@radzen.com.

Warm regards,
The Radzen Team