Visible panel / button on data exists

hi guys, i have a screen with a two step "triage" where i want to show a button if there is data missing from either of two fields.

i have set the visiblity value of the button to
${data.IncidentCategoryId == NULL OR data.IncidentSeverityId == NULL}

this is throwing a syntax error --> Syntax error, ',' expected

the other thing i want to do is show / hide a panel which i assume is the same sort of rule, but with an AND
${data.IncidentCategoryId == NULL AND data.IncidentSeverityId == NULL}.

can i please get a hand with the first statement for the button? i should be able to get the panel right after that.

OR and AND operators in C# are || and &&

error CS1662: Cannot convert lambda expression to intended delegate type because some of the return types in the block are not implicitly convertible to the delegate return type

do i need to wrap this in an IF, this is silly stupid i know.... sorry

NULL also should be null.

got it thanks @enchev
${incident.IncidentCategoryId != null && incident.IncidentSeverityId != null}

this is for the panel, just getting used to coding with variables in radzen, not difficult, just a little different :smiley: