Validating Custom Controls in Data Grid

I am working on the following scenario:

I have a Radzen DataGrid based on your InLine Grid Demo.

For a column, I have an EditTemplate.

Within that ET, I have a Custom Blazor Component that includes a Drop Down and logic that looks like this:

<RadzenDataGridColumn TItem="Assignment" Property="CdAssignmentStatus.Name" Title="
IdStatus"  Visible="true" >
<EditTemplate  Context="Assignment_Singleton">
    <Cg_CdAssignmentStatus_DD Name="IdStatus" @bind-Value="Assignment_Singleton.IdStatus" />
    <RadzenRequiredValidator Text="Status is required" Component="IdStatus" Popup="true" />

When I run this, I am getting an error that says unable to find a component with Name IdStatus.

Unhandled exception rendering component: Cannot find component with Name IdStatus
System.InvalidOperationException: Cannot find component with Name IdStatus
at Radzen.Blazor.ValidatorBase.ValidateModel(Object sender, ValidationRequestedEventArgs args)
at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.Forms.EditContext.Validate()

Do you support this scenario (using a validator on a custom blazor component), and if you do, do you have any examples?


You can check this thread: RadzenRequiredValidator with Custom Components - #2 by korchev

Thank you, Korchev. This was the guidance I needed and have it working.

The only issue I seem to be having is that the popup Required Warning in a DataGrid is being displayed behind/hidden by the control to its right if that control is a custom control. Do you have any guidance on this?
