Unhandled error when editing a page

I used the Radzen tool to create a simple CRUD page.

I found there was an error if I ran the application in Visual Studio by release mode.

There was no issue when I ran the application in debug mode.

If I changed the code in client/Services/DbService.cs
var response = await httpClient.SendAsync(httpRequestMessage);
return await response.ReadAsync<ODataServiceResult>();
return await httpClient.SendAsync(httpRequestMessage);

There was no problem in both the release and debug mode.

Could you please tell me how I can fix the issue in release mode instead of changing the code, as the code is scaffolded by the Radzen tool? Thank you.

Can you provide more info about the exact method in the service? What’s the .NET version?

Please find the attached class file. The function name is UpdateOnTrainUser.(All update functions will throw an error in release mode)
TcmService.zip (6.3 KB)

The version is .Net Core 3.1.

Please let me know if you need more information. Thank you so much.

This code is from WebAssembly application while this thread category is for Blazor server-side. Can you verify also if you are using latest Radzen version? Here is how OData service code looks in application generated using latest Radzen:


Sorry for choosing the wrong category.

We are currently using 2.63.9 because this is the latest version that can create a new application with .Net Core 3.1.

I downloaded the latest version and re-scaffolded the DB service; yes, there was no issue.

If we do not update to the latest version, we may face similar problems in the future, but I believe we have solved this issue right now.

Thank you so much for your help.