Two-way data binding does not work

Thanks! The problem was fixed!

Hi @enchev,

Everything is working well, but I have found a weird problem in Change function. First Time execute Change function multipleValues and local object value are not synchronized, but second and following, yes
I have realized because I'm using several dropdowns cascading, using binded var (multipleValues) from one dropdown to next dropdown.

I'll check the Change event, in the meantime try @bind-Value instead similar to this demo:

Hi @enchev,

I have checked your cascading-dropdows demo, It's a good simple way to do it, but I need use Change event because my implementation is a little more complex.

Have you had time to check what I said in the last post?

On our demo two items are selected initially in the DropDown with multiple selection. When third item is selected here is what is passed to the event:

If you own Radzen license you can send us your project at to check it.

Hi again @enchev,

Yes, Value works ok as you show in the photo, Value contains three values, but multipleValues only two, and it only happens the first time you select other item.

The screenshot is from DropDown with multiple values when item is selected for the first time.

@enchev, Yes, I know. Please Inspect Value (local variable) and also MultipleValue (global variable); both variables, when program stop in breakpoint as in your last photo (inside Change event function). Compare both variables (first time and next times)

Thank you so much for your time and effort and sorry for the inconvenience. (I'll try to explain in future in a better way)

Hi @enchev

I have adapted your Cascading DropDowns Demo to Multple in both DropDown, When you have time, please, check it. Once you choose one or more items in Customer DropDown, Order DropDown is filled ok but you can't select any item. (1.2 KB)