Treeview when child view is null show add button

At first create folder it is have no any files. When expanded i want show button or a tag for click upload file under current folder.


And what you've tried and didn't worked?

The RadzenTree component can only display items. You can determine what kind of item to display depending on your conditions. For example check the file system demo - it displays a file or a folder icon depending on the node data.

Yes, I cann't render some buttom under this folder.
Please suggest me.

Set the template of the item accordingly - to contain the button you want. Check the source of the demo that I linked.

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Thanks, I will try follow your recommend.

You need to use render fragments.

It’s in the example but it took me a while to get comfortable with it. Let me k ow if you need a code snippet.

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I need to render button + under folder.
If you have it share me please.