The strategic question about dialogues )

How can I make simple modal dialog forms without creating components with a separate address space each time? For example, there is a confirmation dialog, it is not universal and always has two buttons. And with a messagebox one button? I did not understand the Simple Dialog example, it is on a separate page with its own address space. I don't know razor-blazor at all. Can I make several standard dialogs with code compactly, without producing files and pages? And scary examples of Java with millions of files.

Hi @vadim_b,

Our online demo shows a way to define the dialog content inline - in the page that uses it:

 async Task ShowInlineDialog() => await DialogService.OpenAsync("Simple Dialog", ds =>
            <p Style="margin-bottom: 1rem">Confirm?</p>
            <div class="row">
                <div class="col-md-12">
                    <RadzenButton Text="Ok" Click="() => ds.Close(true)" Style="margin-bottom: 10px; width: 150px" />
                    <RadzenButton Text="Cancel" Click="() => ds.Close(false)" ButtonStyle="ButtonStyle.Secondary"  Style="margin-bottom: 10px; width: 150px"/>
                    <RadzenButton Text="Refresh" Click="(() => { orderID = 10249; ds.Refresh(); })" ButtonStyle="ButtonStyle.Info"  Style="margin-bottom: 10px; width: 150px"/>
                    Order ID: @orderID

Yes, thanks, I did it. But I want to understand how to organize as correctly and concisely as possible a set of typical dialogues in my application and reuse them in different places. Let's say four or five such definitions. It is quite possible to do this on one page of code, maybe in the form of classes or class methods. Just point me in the direction, as a beginner in blazor is not clear to me yet.

And is it necessary, maybe you have some kind of DialogService addition in your plans?

If you want to reuse the dialogs it is better to create components for them similar to the other examples. Then use DialogService.OpenAsync<ConfirmOne>() and DialogService.OpenAsync<ConfirmTwo>()

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