Templating DropDown with child data

Try setting the template to ${data.Forename} - as the Player class doesn't have a Player property.

${data} refers to the Finish entity that the form is bound to not the player. When I type ${data. this is the properties it gives me access to:

Those properties as you can see, belong to the Finish entity, not the Player. In fact, you can see the Player navigation property in the intellisense list..

This is indeed not right. We will need your application to troubleshoot. Send it over to info@radzen.com.

You should still be able to type ${data.Forename} even if the autocomplete is not right.

No problem.

Do you want the database too?

No, we need only the meta and server directories. Delete server\bin and server\obj to keep the file size smaller.

Sent. Thanks for the help.

Hi @Paul_Pitchford,

Thank you for the cooperation. There is a limitation currently in the DropDownList that requires a cast to use the data item in a template:

${(data as Player).Forename} ${(data as Player).Surname}

We will try to address this limitation and also fix the incorrect autocomplete suggestions.

Sorry but that doesn't seem to work either:


Indeed it seems to need some more parenthesis. Try this.

${((data as Player).Forename)} ${((data as Player).Surname)}

Seems to work in your project (tested in the Add Finish page as it was easier to stub the data):

This does the trick for now. Thank you.