Single Sign On Authentication and using the Custom Security Param

Most of our systems are interconnected to our client’s systems via a single sign on pass over, so the login is handled from the client’s site and then passed to our site via various means, it all depends on what each client is using for their sign sign on handoff, some use SAML while others might pass us params via http post with a shared encryption key and algorithm to decrypt the values passed over. Any guidance on best way to integrate these different types of passed over authentications through the radzen tool?

Other similar question on security, is that on your document sample where it shows how to create the custom property, once a user is logged in and this property is assigned is it available to assign as a parameter from the radzen tool for the datasource calls?


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Hi Nick,

The answer to your first question is “it depends”.

Do you want to implement application level security (login, page access, user management etc) via the third party? If yes - this isn’t currently possible without a lot of custom code.

Do you want to invoke a data source method (REST API) that uses some third party security implementation? If yes - this is easier to do by injecting a service that implements the custom authentication be that HTTP header or parameter.

One can use the custom security property from the Radzen designer to invoke data source methods. It just won’t show it in the autocomplete at this time.

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