Retrieve the data in textbox from database

I've a class model as below

public partial class Developer
        public int Id { get; set; }   
        public int _currentYear = DateTime.Today.Year;     
        public string EnvT { get { return _currentYear.ToString(); } }  

I want to retrieve EnvT in TextBox as below

<EditForm Model="@dev" OnValidSubmit="@OnValidSubmit">
    <DataAnnotationsValidator />
 <RadzenTextBox style="width: 100%;" Name="Numéro EnvT" @bind-Value=@dev.EnvT Disabled=true/>
                        <ValidationMessage For="@(() => dev.EnvT)" />

Edit razor page is

<FormEdit ButtonText="Update" dev="dev"
      OnValidSubmit="@EditDeveloper" />

@code {

    [Parameter] public int developerId { get; set; }
    Developer dev = new Developer();

    protected async override Task OnParametersSetAsync()
        dev = await http.GetFromJsonAsync<Developer>($"api/developer/{developerId}");


    async Task EditDeveloper()
        await http.PutAsJsonAsync("api/developer", dev);
        await js.InvokeVoidAsync("alert", $"Updated Successfully!");

I've a message error : Property or indexer 'property' cannot be assigned to -- it is read only

I don't how why I've this error.
Do I have to do this to find the EnvT value in the database table?

Thanks in advance!

with set{} is better;