Rest api multiline datagrid result insert into database


Is there possibility to insert data from multiline datagrid, catched by rest api web service into database ?
I got ${result}, so now i want to insert it into database.

Thank you.

Hi @Veljko_Dudukovic,

Could you elaborate on what you are trying to achieve? For example what does the following mean?

I got ${result}, so now i want to insert it into database.


I create rest api service to get some data of warehouse.
Data i got is in ${WarehousesResult}.


Data grid is populated with two lines.

Now i want to insert those data into MSSQL database created with the same columns, something like
insert into tableA (select * from tableB).

Hope, it is more clear now :-).


You can use the Invoke DataSource method action with the insertXXX method that Radzen would generate for your MSSQL server.

Thank You.

i made custom method inside servermethods controller and it is working fine.