Refresh RadzenGrid

Good evening, I'm using the RadzenGrid component, where inside I have a list of elements, at the click of a button inside the single row I delete the single element from the list, my problem is that the list does not reload, and does not it feels like the row has been deleted, how can I get the list refilled

Hi @Matteo

After the completion of your operation, the call to GridX.Reload() does not work?

protected async System.Threading.Tasks.Task GridDeleteButtonClick(MouseEventArgs args, Models.Crm.Task data)
            var crmDeleteTaskResult = await Crm.DeleteTask(data.Id);
            if (crmDeleteTaskResult != null)
        catch (System.Exception crmDeleteTaskException)
            NotificationService.Notify(NotificationSeverity.Error, $"Error", $"Unable to delete Task");