Radzengrid changes showing before saving in popup

I am new to Blazor and radzen. I am trying to use the datagrid with a popup edit button.
I am able to bring up the popup window but its seems odd that when I type anything into the edit window, it shows up immediately on the underlying datagrid. Is there a way to prevent that from happening?

Here is the basic code for the datagrid:

<RadzenGrid AllowPaging="true" PageSize="5" AllowSorting="true" Data="@transactions" TItem="Transaction">
        <RadzenGridColumn TItem="Transaction" Property="Month" Title="Month" Width="auto" />
        <RadzenGridColumn TItem="Transaction" Property="Year" Title="Year" Width="auto" />
        <RadzenGridColumn TItem="Transaction" Property="Amount" Title="Amount Name" Width="auto" />
        <RadzenGridColumn TItem="Transaction" Property="Date" Title="Date" Width="auto" />
        <RadzenGridColumn TItem="Transaction" Property="Edit" Title="Edit" Width="100px">
         <Template Context="transaction">
                <RadzenButton ButtonStyle="ButtonStyle.Secondary"
                     Click="@(() => EditTransaction(transaction))" Icon="edit" Style="align-content:center;">

This happens because you are using a data item (transaction) from the live DataGrid data source. Whenever you make changes the DataGrid will automatically display them. In Radzen we are retrieving a new instance of the data item by querying the database. Then changes to that instance won't appear in the DataGrid.

For example instead of the data item pass its ID and in the Dialog get the data item.

<RadzenButton ButtonStyle="ButtonStyle.Secondary"
     Click="@(() => EditTransaction(transaction.Id))" Icon="edit" Style="align-content:center;">