RadzenGoogleMapMarker doesn’t apply Attributes / Attributes is null on MarkerClick event


RadzenGoogleMapMarker and RadzenGoogleMap seem not to be handling well Attributes property, as it is not rendered and MarkerClick eventcallback sends a RadzenGoogleMapMarker with null Attributes property:

Hi @miguel,

Indeed the Attributes collection isn't provided during the MarkerClick event (as it is triggered from JSInterop). You can probably find the required asset by searching for it by Title:

var asset = assets.FirstOrDefault(asset.AssetId == marker.Title);

Hi @korchev,

Thank you for your reply! :slight_smile:

Actually, that was the workaround that I found before posting my question. The problem is that displaying the id on the map doesn't look great. I'm trying to hide the title using css. It would be great if there was a specific property for the ItemId in my case AssetId that I can use to fetch more data when the user clicks on the marker.

In any case, thank you for this great set of components!