RadzenDropDown Change event issue

Hi everybody,

I have an issue with RadzenDropDown component.

Simply when I use RadzenDropDown inside RadzenSplitter, the change event behavior changes.
An argument is generated named as data by the code generator and the system gives the following error about the data argument. "The name 'data' does not exist in the current context".

Code likes this;

<RadzenDropDown Data="@getAppPagesResults" TextProperty="pageCode" ValueProperty="Id" Name="Dropdown1" TValue="dynamic" Change="@((args) =>Dropdown1Change(args, data))">

But this problem does not occur inside the RadzenTabs component.

I can't handle this issue. Can anyone give me any suggestions?

Hi @koksal.basar,

We will do our best to provide fix for this in our next update early next week.

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