RadzenDataGridColumn Filter without Filter-UI

Hey Radzen,
i try to use a RadzenDataGridColumn and add a filter with my own TextBox-UI wich works fine. The grid (gridcolumn) is filtered :slight_smile:

The only problem is that the RadzenDataGridColumn displays its own FilterUI depending on the FilterMode property, which I don't want.

Unfortunately there is no FilterMode.None. Can I fake this somehow?
I have tried to specify an empty FilterTemplate. But then I either get an empty popup (Mode.Advanced) or a new area in the ColumnHeader (Mode.Simple) which I don't want.


Simplified as follows:

<RadzenTextBox @oninput=@(args => OnFilterTextChange(args.Value?.ToString())) />

  private async Task OnFilterTextChange(string? filterText)
      var column = grid!.ColumnsCollection.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Property == nameof(MyDto.DisplayName));
      if(column != null)
          await column.SetFilterValueAsync(filterText);
          await grid.ApplyFilter(column);

You can always hide unneeded UI, for example:

<style type="text/css">
   display: none !important;

Thanks @enchev ,
i will give it a try

greetings mMilk