RadzenDataGrid RadzenDataGridColumn.FilterOperator Value Error Issue

RadzenDataGridColumn.FilterOperator setting FilterOperator.Equals
However, when setting FilterOperator.Equals, saving DataGridSettings becomes FilterOperator.Contains.

There is no such problem here: Blazor DataGrid Component - Save / Load Settings | Free UI Components by Radzen

I'm setting FilterOperator in RadzenDataGridColumn,But localStorage result is 6 (FilterOperator.Contains),It should be 0(FilterOperator.Equals)

The entire source code is available for free at your premises and you can debug your case. Such problem cannot be reproduced on our demo as I already mentioned.

thanks for your reply.

Hello Enchev,

I seem to be having the similar issue trying to filter a bool column when the FilterMode="FilterMode.CheckBoxList". I'm just clicking the default filter icon in the column head. I'm not sure why, but I'm unable to replicate this issue in your demo.

The issue also seems to occur if I set the column's FilterProperty to true (not demonstrated below) but does seem to crash the demo.


<RadzenDataGridColumn Property="Active" TItem="Student" Title="Active" Width="100px" FilterOperator="Radzen.FilterOperator.Equals" FilterProperty="Active"></RadzenDataGridColumn>


System.InvalidOperationException: No generic method 'Contains' on type 'System.Linq.Enumerable' is compatible with the supplied type arguments and arguments. No type arguments should be provided if the method is non-generic. 
   at System.Linq.Expressions.Expression.FindMethod(Type type, String methodName, Type[] typeArgs, Expression[] args, BindingFlags flags)```
