Radzendatagrid filter bug


FilterOperator is still contains. The declared operator equals is not working.

   <RadzenDataGridColumn TItem="Chantier" Title="Ligne" Property="IdLigne" Sortable="true" Filterable="true" FilterOperator="FilterOperator.Equals" FilterValue="ligneFilterValue">


private string ligneFilterValue= "1";

We need runnable code demonstrating the problem. You can use our demos to replicate your case, they are editable.

 <RadzenDataGrid Data="@Data" TItem="Chantier" AllowFiltering="true" FilterMode="FilterMode.Simple">

        <RadzenDataGridColumn TItem="Chantier" Title="Ligne" Property="IdLigne" Sortable="true" Filterable="true" FilterOperator="FilterOperator.Equals" FilterValue="ligneFilterValue">
            private string ligneFilterValue ="1";
           public List<Chantier> Data = new List<Chantier>(){new Chantier(){IdLigne = "1"},new Chantier(){IdLigne = "10"},new Chantier(){IdLigne = "3"} };
            public class Chantier{
                public string IdLigne{set;get;}

Thanks! It will be fixed in our next update before the end of the week.

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