Radzen Blazor RadzenDataGrid server side filtering with filter template


I want to load dat from server dynamically and I wan to use the filtering template on the server side.
How can I call the LoadData method with the selected element from RadzenDropDown, please?
Is this possible?

I have found your answer for this question.

Calling Reload() from your template should trigger LoadData()
Thank you.

But how I can pass the filter property, value and filter operator to the LoadDataArgs?
It says the FilterValue and FilterOperator should not be set outside of its component and
x.FilterProperty is null.

        <RadzenDataGridColumn TItem="ReportVM" Title="District" Property="District" FilterProperty="DistrictId">
                <RadzenDropDown @bind-Value="@currentDistrict" TextProperty="Text" ValueProperty="Value" Style="width:100%" Data="@rdistrictList" Change=@(() => OnChange("DistrictId")) />
        void OnChange(string filterPorperty)
            var column = table.ColumnsCollection.FirstOrDefault(x => x.FilterProperty.Equals(filterPorperty));
            if (column is not null)

                column.FilterValue = currentDistrict.ValueInt;
                column.FilterOperator = FilterOperator.Equals;


protected DropDownData currentDistrict= new DropDownData { ValueInt = 0, Text = "All" };
<RadzenDataGridColumn TItem="ReportVM" Title="District" Property="District" FilterProperty="DistrictId">
        <RadzenDropDown @bind-Value="@currentDistrict" TextProperty="Text" ValueProperty="Value" Style="width:100%" Data="@rdistrictList" Change=@(() => OnChange("District")) />
void OnChange(string porperty)
    var column = table.ColumnsCollection.Where(x => x.Property.Equals(porperty)).FirstOrDefault();
    if (column is not null)
        column.FilterValue = currentDistrict.ValueInt;
        column.FilterOperator = FilterOperator.Equals;
        if (currentDistrict.ValueInt == 0)
            column.FilterOperator = FilterOperator.GreaterThan;

protected async Task LoadDataAsync(LoadDataArgs args)
    regionList = ....
    regionList = regionList.Prepend(new DropDownData { ValueInt = 0, Text = "All" });
    regionList = regionList.Prepend(currentDistrict);