Radzen Blazor List select performances


We have a very huge performance issue with
Radzen Blazor ListBox : Blazor ListBox | a free UI component by Radzen

When there are more than 10.000 entries, the select all (Even with virtualization) freezes scroll and takes around 2 seconds.

Is there any way to reduce it ?

Right now I'm trying to bypass "default" selection and use on change event with a list of objects instead of the list of keys. No luck so far

Code :

<RadzenListBox AllowFiltering="true"
               @bind-Value="@SelectedItems" Multiple="true" Data="@Items"
               TextProperty="Name" ValueProperty="Id" AllowVirtualization="true"
               Style="width: 100%; height: 650px" />

Edit : That's the RAM during the click on "select all"


Edit 2 : Ok, it seems the issue is that you generate a new IEnumerable each time checkbox is clicked. (Ex : Select all, deselect ONE generates 4 seconds delay). Why not just manage selected objects by reference instead of "id" property ?

SelectedItems in your case will be IEnumerable since you've set ValueProperty

Ok, thank you. I will test without ValueProperty