Radzen AccordionI tem

I would like to know if there is a way to change the color and the policy of the property 'Text' of an RadzenAccordionItem ?


Hi @Pascal_Felix,

Yes, you can change every single color in every single component. Use your browser developer tools to inspect the desired HTML element and see which CSS variables control its appearance. Then override those variables via the style attribute of your component.

Hi @korchev,

It's what il tried to do :

But it seems to not apply the css changes.


I don't understand what you have tried from the screenshot.

I'm trying to apply the style that i added in '.rz-accordion-header' to the text of accordion menu item.
In the picture, it would like to want to change the style of :
"Etape 1 : Vérification de l'intégrité du système"
"Etape 2 : Validation des informations de l'élection"

I suggest checking my replies in this thread. They show how to help yourself in such cases - how to inspect an html element, how to find what CSS variable is being used and how to override it.