Prolem with deploy to IIS

Hello all
Can we help me with my problem with deploying to IIS?
I have the app and I want to run it in IIS. In Radzen I did deploy to zip file and in the server, I create a new pool and new web if I copy the source from the deploy zip file and start pool then I get an error in the web browser :

So I have some applications in ISS from Radzen and they work normally.
My Radzen version is 2.66.10 and I use Angular with .NET6 .
IIS is 2012 R2. For Aplications pool I use .NET CLR V4.0
I try edit file web.config and replace modules="AspNetCoreModuleV2" to modules="AspNetCoreModule" but then i get this error :

Thank you

You should not use this app pool I think - it looks to be for .NET Full (classic). Try a different one.

I can use only this:

And other aplications are without problem :frowning:

Use the No Managed Code

Yes, I tried it but the result is the same. Other applications work this way for me. Can there be a problem with the version? I upgraded Radzen to version 2.66.10 and this application is completely written in this new version.

The problem is solved. I had to install .NET 6 to IIS server and now is everything ok.
Thank you for your support. :smiley: :+1: