Profile menu dubble bug

Hi! Long text incoming...

So i found out this bug when i was playing around with the ProfileMenu.

In alot of my applications iv been trying to click on the Logout button in the profilemenu without any success but didnt put any time searching for the bug. But now when i was adding more items to the menu i couldnt figure out how my click was triggerd. So i went i the code and saw this function.
I put a breakpoint on the start of it and saw that it was triggerd when i clicked on the "Logout" item.

Then i saw this

By default radzen generates a item with text "Logout" but the "Value" property is not set to "Logout" which the if statement is looking for. So you cannot logout by the profilemenu generated by Radzen.

So what i did was change the value from empty to "Logout" on the Logout item in the proilemenu

Now when i did that the if statement works.

I then wanted to add my own logic for another item and then this happend...


Radzen IDE says there is no event on the Click event even tho i just discoverd it was? This got me confused and i tried to add an event and then save, then this happend

As you see nothing changed. And yes this is a brand new project and nothing in the ignore list.

If I instead of adding an event just had saved the empty events, this happends.

Project crashes...

So there is a few bugs.

  • The profilemenu isnt set up correctly from the begining
  • You can't add new items with own logic
  • You can't add events on the click handler.
  • Even with a brand new Profilemenu from the toolbox acts like this..

Thanks for the report @Gottegubben! We will address these issues in the next update early next week.

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