Open Autocomplete list when data changed

Hi Guys,

I'm using the Autocomplete control and I have a question regarding to the functionality. Currently I have a lookup list bounded to the Data property. When changing the input value I start a list update. So far so good.
After loading the lookup data in the background I want to open the list with the received data automatically. Surprise: it is not working, just after loosing the focus and getting the focus back again the list is opended.
The lookup data objects contains two properties: Value (Guid) and Text (string).

Any ideas?

Best Regards, Stefan

Edit: it is not working when the control contains text which is not inside of the lookuplist. In this case I get the issue after I mark the text and enter another text. The background list will be updated, but the popup is not opening.

Edit 2: Solved! I just have to reset the bounded property (schoolFacultyInput) if a text was entered which is not member of the list (in event handler for Changed).

Not Solved! I still have the problem that the popup is not opened sometimes after the lookup list was updated. Another point is: the change event is not thrown when the input value was cleared by the control (when control lost the focus and the input value is not a member of the list).

May be the following steps helps to reproduce (Blazor Demo App, first Autocomplete control):

  • enter "b"
  • select first item from list (Berglunds snabbköp)
  • mark the text and be sure that the popup is not open
  • enter a character, e.g. "a"
    In this case the popup is not opening to get the items starting with "a". This effect seems to occur when the input text is changed during a closed popup.

Thanks @Softwerker04! We will do our best to fix this in the next update.

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@enchev: thx, it would help a lot

@enchev: seems that it is solved, thanks a lot!