@onclick Attribute does not work with latest version

I have a RadzenCard component where I defined a custom attribute in the IDE:

Name: @onclick
Value: @(args => UriHelper.NavigateTo("pagename"))

This worked well before. Since the latest update of Radzen, the generated code does not compile any more. The generated code looks like this:

<RadzenCard @(args => UriHelper.NavigateTo("pagename"))>

Of course this does not compile...

Thanks for the report @JustJoe! Fix will be released immediately!

Same is true for @oninput for search textbox. The resultant @action tag is missing since 2.82.7 was released.

In 2.82.7 this is generated:
<RadzenTextBox Placeholder="Search ..." style="display: block; margin-bottom: 10px; width: 100%" Name="Textbox0" @(async(args) => {search = $"{args.Value}";await grid0.GoToPage(0);await grid0.Reload();})>

It should be:
<RadzenTextBox Placeholder="Search ..." style="display: block; margin-bottom: 10px; width: 100%" Name="Textbox0" @oninput="@(async(args) => {search = $"{args.Value}";await grid0.GoToPage(0);await grid0.Reload();})">

Yes, the issue affects custom attributes of all components without data context. Fix will be published in a hour.

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