Lookup popup sorting, filtering and paging setup problems

Dear Radzen-Team,
I am implementing a lookup popup in an edit field of the Entity "Projektzeit" to choose a "Teilprojekt" which is in a one-to-many-realtionship as shown below:

However, when I run the application, the popup only shows me as many "Teilprojekts" to choose from as the pagesize, which is not very useful.

More importantly the sorting, paging and searching for a Teilprojekt is not working. The arrow circle spins on forever after clicking the search icon, like this:

Can someone help me out how to set up the popup field to enable proper search and show all available Teilprojekts?

Thank you very much in advance :slight_smile:

Hi @radzenuser1,

You need LoadData event. You can create CRUD pages from wizard with "Allow paging, sorting and filtering of lookup data" option enabled and check the settings:

Thank you very much for yout quick reply!

Can I allow filtering, paging and sorting afterwards? I already made some heavy customization I do not want to loose.

My idea was to show you where you can check the required settings in order to know what your are missing.