Is there a way to suppress empty columns in a Data Grid

I am using a similar query to load data from 100ish databases into a grid based on a drop down picker. The query returns roughly 20 columns, but only about 5 columns are ever used in each database. I would like to suppress/hide the empty columns. Does the DataGrid component have an easy way to do this?

As a note, All of the data is being loaded into a List of DataObjects with each of the properties, then bound to the grid. A property like "HideIfEmpty = True/False" would be ideal

in a desktop app, I use something like this:

            foreach (DataGridViewColumn clm in grdView.Columns)
                bool notAvailable = true;

                foreach (DataGridViewRow row in grdView.Rows)
                    if (row.Cells[clm.Index].Value != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(row.Cells[clm.Index].Value.ToString()))
                        notAvailable = false;
                if (notAvailable)
                    grdView.Columns[clm.Index].Visible = false;

But it would be much cleaner if there was a native way to do it

DataGrid column Visible property is the only option we can offer for such scenario.

But that would still mean, not knowing if the column even had data to start. I will try to engineer another way around this. It would be nice if the back end functionality could handle it.