Iframe in an HTML Component

Hello, I'm trying to Embed a Power BI report in a Html Component. It Shows up in Radzen, but blank on the page. Any Ideas.

div class="embed-responsive embed-responsive-21by9">
iframe src="https://app.powerbi.com/view?r=eyJrIjoiMjIyZWNlZWUtZWEy......." frameborder="0" allowFullScreen="true">/iframe>


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Do you have any errors in the browser console? I've just tried the same and it works at first glance:

Here is another thread with similar integration:

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Turns outs the HTML Component was inside a row Component. Once I Deleted the Row, It works great.


Hi @Hivoltech , I have been trying to embed a Power BI into a solution in radzen application, I saw that you made it successfully, Can you help me about how you did it ?

Thanks a lot.