How to prevent replacement of text in template

I've created a HTML based template in a datagrid with this content:
<img src='data:image/png;base64, ${data.Bestand}' />

What I would expect to happen is that only the ${data.Bestand} element is processed during generation, but it isn't. The first data: is also replaced by the template context element.
What I would expect to end up with would be:
<img src='data:image/png;base64, @(-templatecontext-.Bestand)' />

but I end up with:

<img src='-templatecontext-.image/png;base64, @(-templatecontext-.Bestand)' />

which is not working

How can I ensure certain elements in an expression are not processed by the generation engine?

We will do our best to handle this in our next update next week - in the meantime you can use RadzenImage. Check also this article:

Thanks! I tried using RadzenImage, but it generated incorrectly without the base64 reference, therefor the image doesn't render. See my remark here: Preview image from database field not working? - Radzen IDE (Blazor server-side) - Radzen

In addition. It seems you are doing a global find and replace for "data". I tried adding an attribute with name 'data', but that one was also replaced by the page's data model '.......Models....DatabaseDossierFoto'. That is not correct of course.Screenprint