How can I filter RadzenGrid advanced with condition "or"?

I watched, but didn't get the answer.
How can I filter RadzenGrid with advanced filter with condition "or" ?
I need this condition "where LastName='Davolio' or Firsname='Andrew' ". I need to see 2 Employees in the grid.

Hi @Lina_Kalibatiene,

You can select it from the fltering menu:

But your condition "where LastName like 'D' or LastName like 'O' ". You filter is in the same field.
It's not the same when "where LastName='Davolio' or Firsname='Andrew' " I need to filter in different fields.

You are right. This is not possible in the current version however I've just pushed new property for the DataGrid that can be used to specify the logical operator between columns:

<RadzenGrid LogicalFilterOperator="LogicalFilterOperator.Or" ...

It will be released with our update tomorrow.

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