How can I call a method in a component from closing a radzen dialog?


I have a button in my component "welcome page" called "open dialog" which opens a radzen dialog.
Inside the radzen dialog I also have a button called delete which will delete the radzen dialog and close it using dialogService.Close();

I want to know how to call a method in the "welcome page" component when the dialogService.Close() is being executed in the dialog razor page. Does anyone know how to do this?

Button called "open dialog" located inside welcome page component:

<Radzen.Blazor.RadzenButton Click=@(args => OpenDialog(data)) />

Open dialog method:

public void OpenDialog(object)

button logic inside radzen dialog

protected async Task DeleteData()
        var confirmResult = await dialogService.Confirm("Are you sure you want to delete this Data?", "Delete Data?");
        if (confirmResult.HasValue && confirmResult.Value)
                //Delete data service           
                //Do something here to call method in "welcome page" component
                   //something went wrong here mate code

I would use OpenAsync and call the method there.

public async Task OpenDialog()
   await dialogService.OpenAsync(...);
  // Call the desired method after the dialog is closed