Electron, no visuals in console

I have let the ide running over night ...

This could happen if something has logged a lot of whitespace.

Look closer. The 'empty' space I copied to VSCode isn't 'empty'.

Then it is probably an issue with the third party component that we use for the console. Honestly we haven't seen it before and don't consider it a deal-breaking issue.

This looks damn similar to the stuff I posted in march: Bug: code-editor fields show no preview

What is rendering the property textfields? The same third party component?

This isn't a dealbreaking issue, this is what everybody sees from time to time, and it stays in the back of everybodies mind as an flimsy UI experience. I do not think it is something you can fix, but it is something which you are in a better position to analyze/communicate to this third-party devs.

What is rendering the property textfields? The same third party component?

No, this is a totally different component. The one which Visual Studio Code uses for their output window.