Dialog windows not draggable under edge browser


I have issues to drag draggable true dialog windows on edge browser.

this is true for my own dialog windows as for your demo dialog windows. (at least on my computer)

i guess there is a specific issue with edge ?

Do you have some specific solution for this issue on edge ?


Not sure where or how to reproduce this:


reading the end of the thread i have exactly the same issue

if i resize the window i can only drag horizontaly but it's a unlimited dragging since my only way to "undrag" the window is to clic to "esc"

by the way: Version 109.0.1518.61 (Official build) (64 bits)

ok guys i have some news about this... believe me or not but here it what happens:
this code makes a window draggable and resizable !!

public async Task ShowPdf()
        if(SelectedItem != null)
            int iDrawingID = SelectedItem[0].Id;
            await DialogService.OpenAsync<DialogCardPage>($"Drawing {SelectedItem[0].Drawing}",
                new Dictionary<string, object>() { { "DrawingID", iDrawingID } },
                new DialogOptions() { Width = "1505px", Height = "905px", Resizable = true, Draggable = true });

this one isn't neither draggable nor resizable (still on edge)

public async Task ShowPdf()
        if(SelectedItem != null)
            int iDrawingID = SelectedItem[0].Id;
            await DialogService.OpenAsync<DialogCardPage>($"Drawing {SelectedItem[0].Drawing}",
                new Dictionary<string, object>() { { "DrawingID", iDrawingID } },
                new DialogOptions() { Width = "1500px", Height = "900px", Resizable = true, Draggable = true });

Width = "XXXXpx", Height = "YYYYpx" values have a big influence on the bug...

maybe is there a link with the margin between window and its item fields ?

at least that works like this for me,

playing with these values solved that issue.


Is this DialogCardPage component with a fixed size of 1500px X 900px?

i don't really get your question, but now by playing with the dimension values in the dialog options i can have a draggable and resizable window.

Just play with the values

here is my code for the call of the window and the window code when it opens:

The call:

public async Task ShowPdf()
        if(SelectedItem != null)
            int iDrawingID = SelectedItem[0].Id;
            await DialogService.OpenAsync<DialogCardPage>($"Drawing {SelectedItem[0].Drawing}",
                new Dictionary<string, object>() { { "DrawingID", iDrawingID } },
                new DialogOptions() { Width = "1605px", Height = "1000px", Resizable = true, Draggable = true });

once again, i changed my dimensions values... 1600px width is not draggable when 1605px is...
i willingly oversized the window in comparison of its content but there is no direct effect so i suppose the main thing is only the value in itself :person_shrugging:

the dialogcardpage code:

@page "/dialogcard/{DrawingID}"
@using HmcOdata
@inject HmcOdataService service
@inject DialogService DialogService

<div class="d-flex justify-content-center">
        <RadzenCard Style="width: 1500px; Height: 800px; overflow: hidden; border: var(--rz-grid-cell-border)" Class="rz-shadow-0">
            <div class="d-flex flex-row">
                <iframe width="1500px" Height="800px" src="data:application/pdf;base64,@PDF"></iframe>

@code {
    [Parameter] public int DrawingID { get; set; }
    string PDF;
    byte[] rawPDF;
    protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync()
        await base.OnInitializedAsync();
        DataAccess db = new DataAccess();
        PDF = db.GetDrawing(DrawingID);
        rawPDF = Convert.FromHexString(PDF);
        PDF = Convert.ToBase64String(rawPDF);


Indeed it appears that he problem is related to the dimensions provided through DialogOptions. I didn't have time to look carefully in Radzen.Blazor code, but it looks like a workaround is possible using the right dimensions. Definitely setting Width and Height to "auto" prevents dragging.