Datepicker in Multiple SelectionMode bug

When I configure the datepicker with SelectionMode 'Multiple' I can pick any count of days I want.
With the strange behaviour that the control closes itself if I choose to click on a day not being in the selected month:

This seems to be an issue with the PrimeNG calendar which is fixed. Unfortunately the fix is part of the primeng-lts package (Radzen uses just primeng). Migrating to primeng-lts is possible but it will be a bit of a breaking change for everybody using either primeng or having installed node_modules. This makes us a bit hesitant to migrate. If this issue is a showstopper for you I can suggest a workaround which involves manually installing node_modules:

  1. Add this line to the package.json file (inside devDependencies): "primeng-lts": "7.2.6",
  2. Run npm install
  3. Delete node_modules/primeng
  4. Rename node_modules/primeng-lts to node_modules/primeng

This has to be done while Radzen is not running.

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I'm good with the current behaviour, I just wanted to report it, thank you.